How to Clean Plastic Retainers – The Best 5 Ways




How to Clean Plastic Retainers?

If you wear braces or have had any dental work done that requires a retainer, then you know just how important it is to keep your appliance clean. 

Not only does this help to prevent bad breath and staining, but it also helps to keep your teeth and gums healthy. 

There are a few different ways to clean your retainer, and in this article, we will discuss the best five methods. 

We have covered you whether you are looking for something quick and easy or a bit more thorough. 

So, let’s get started!

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Here Are 5 of The Best Ways How To Clean Plastic Retainers:

Here Are 5 of The Best Ways How To Clean Plastic Retainers

Quick and Easy Method: Rinse with Warm Water and Soap

The easiest way to clean your plastic retainers is to rinse them with warm water and soap simply.

Be sure to use a non-abrasive soap, such as liquid dish soap, to avoid scratching the plastic.

Rinse the retainers thoroughly and then dry them with a soft cloth.

You can also use this method to clean your retainer case.

The Thorough Method: Use a Denture Tablet or Cleanser

You can use a denture tablet or cleanser to ensure your retainers are extra clean. This is the most thorough way to clean your retainers and will kill any bacteria that may be lingering.

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Simply dissolve the tablet in some lukewarm water and let your retainers soak for about 15 minutes. Then, brush them with a toothbrush and rinse them off before putting them back in your mouth.

It would be best if you did this once a week to keep your retainers extra clean.

The Natural Method: Soak in White Vinegar or Baking Soda

If your plastic retainer is starting to look a bit dull or yellowed, you can try soaking it in white vinegar or baking soda. Simply mix equal parts of each ingredient together and submerge your retainer. Let it soak for at least 30 minutes, then rinse thoroughly with water.

You can also add a few drops of essential oil to the mixture for a refreshing scent. Just make sure to use a non-toxic variety, like lemon or lavender oil.

The Sanitizing Method: Use boiling water or UV light

If you want to clean your plastic retainers correctly, you need to sanitize them. The two best ways to do this are boiling water or UV light.

Boiling water is a tried and true method for sanitizing anything and everything. All you need to do is bring a pot of water to a boil and then drop your retainer in for about 5 minutes. After that, just take it out and let it cool before putting it back in your mouth.

If you want to get a little more high-tech, you can also use UV light to clean your retainers. There are special UV sanitizing devices that you can buy, or you can even find some phone cases that have UV sanitizing built-in. Just pop your retainer in for a few minutes, and it will be good as new.

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The Scrubbing Method: Use Toothpaste or Baking Soda

If your retainer is dirty and needs a deep clean, scrubbing it with toothpaste or baking soda is a great way to clean it.

You only need a small amount of toothpaste, baking soda, and water.

To clean your retainer with toothpaste, simply wet it and then add a pea-sized amount of toothpaste. Rub the toothpaste into the retainer, using your fingers to scrub away any dirt or stains.

Rinse the retainer well and check if the toothpaste has removed all the dirt and stains. If not, repeat the process until your retainer is clean.

To clean your retainer with baking soda, simply make a paste with water and baking soda. Rub the paste into your retainer, using your fingers to scrub away any dirt or stains.

Rinse the retainer well and check if the baking soda has removed all the dirt and stains. If not, repeat the process until your retainer is clean.

The best method for you depends on your preference and situation.

If you are looking for a quick and easy way to clean your retainer, rinsing it with warm water and soap will do the trick.

If you want to ensure your appliance is extra clean, then using a denture tablet or cleanser is the way to go.

And if you are looking for a natural way to clean your retainer, then soaking it in white vinegar or baking soda will do the job.

Whichever method you choose, just be sure to follow the instructions carefully and always rinse your retainer thoroughly before putting it back in your mouth.

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And if you have any questions, be sure to ask your dentist or orthodontist.

They will be able to give you the best advice for keeping your retainer clean and healthy.

How to Prevent Staining and Bad Breath

How to Prevent Staining and Bad Breath

How to Prevent Staining and Bad Breath from occurring in the first place by using a retainer case and keeping it clean.

If you have your retainer case but no cleaner, you can use dish soap and water to give it a quick cleaning. Just be sure to rinse it well afterward so that none of the dish soap is left behind on your appliance.

You should also avoid using hot water when cleaning your retainer, which can cause the plastic to warp.

If you don’t have a retainer case or if your appliance is especially dirty, you can clean it with denture tablets.

Just dissolve one tablet in a cup of water and let your retainer soak for about 15 minutes. Be sure to rinse it thoroughly afterward.

You can also use white vinegar to clean your retainer. Simply soak your appliance in a cup of vinegar for about 30 minutes, then rinse it well with water.

Final Thought

Final Thought - How to Clean Plastic Retainers

Cleaning your plastic retainers doesn’t have to be a difficult task.

With the right tools and techniques, you can easily keep them looking and feeling fresh. Try out some of the abovementioned methods and see which ones work best.

And don’t forget to brush and floss regularly to keep your smile looking its best.

So there you have it! Five different ways to clean your plastic retainer.

Choose the best method for you, and keep up with your cleaning routine, so your appliance stays fresh and clean.

Thanks for reading!

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